With the EyeLearn App you prepare yourself for the final exams in W&G!
The app perfectly complements the book "Learning Solutions" by EyeLearn (bilingual or only in German), but is also fully usable without a book.
The app includes 4 functions:
For each W&G chapter (accounting, business administration, economics and law), youll see a mind map with the most important content.
For each chapter you will see flashcards with the most important terms and concepts. Cleary and understandably explained. You also find a dictionary for each chapter translating the English terms to the commonly used German terms.
You can practice flashcards from your selected chapters in a memory game (reveal matching pairs) and see your learning progress at the end.
Here, the EyeLearn app proposes a custom quiz to test the selected chapters. You will see your learning progress after each quiz.
The app comes with the entire content in W&G (E-profile) in German and in English (except law, only German).